ECA Shiprepair AS ble etablert 1. juni 2000. Selskapet eies og drives av Rudi Beil
og viderefører agenturvirksomheten som ble drevet gjennom Ebbe C. Astrup AS i mer enn
50 år. Rudi Beil var ansatt i Ebbe C. Astrup AS siden 1990.
Selskapet representerer skipsverft og relaterte tjenester fra Filippinene i øst til
USA i vest overfor skipsrederier og drifts selskaper i Norge. Vi formidler dokkinger,
afloat repair, rekondisjonering samt reisereparatører.
ECA Shiprepair was established in June 2000. The company is owned and managed by Mr. Rudi Beil. The company continue agency contracts from the company Ebbe C Astrup AS which has been in the business for mor than 50 years and where Mr. Beil was working since 1990.
The company represents shipyards and related business from The Philippines in the east to USA in the west and offer their services to Norwegian ship owners and management companies in Norway.
We promote Shiprepair / dockings, afloat repairs, reconditioning and travel repairs.